Control Systems

They facilitate the simultaneous management of different sources, allowing the representation of these in multiple visualization supports, either as a single large image, separate images or a combination of both.


Industrial video Controller

The Delta Icon Pro driver is a font management device that runs under Windows®.

Designed to capture, display and manage different input video sources and distribute them as needed in a VideoWall or LCDWall. The ICON PRO controller is a configurable system and can control up to 100 different signal inputs.

ICON Pro Studio uses a distributed architecture to manage the VideoWall and control screen content from a wide range of input sources.

With this software, the windows on the VideoWall can be freely opened, positioned, moved and resized. Designs can be saved and recalled.


Distributive Vision Control System

Delta’s DVCS® system is one of the world’s most advanced VideoWall control systems, specifically designed for control room display systems.

Combining the latest advancements in digital signal processing (DSP) technology and recent improvements in video encoding efficiency, DVCS® enables customers to capture, distribute, control, and display network high-definition video sources.

System based on 100% digital network.
Preview and playback in real time.
Supports more than 10,000 fonts and displays.
Supports resolutions up to 102,400 x 7,680 pixels.
Import streaming video content.

At the heart of the DVCS® solution is the DVCS® Manager, a highly intuitive and easy-to-use web-based interface that allows you to effectively manage and control your VideoWalls, all in real time.

If you would like more information about these products, please contact us through our contact form.



P.I. Les Gavarres · Innovació 16, Bloc 1, Nau 8
08711 Ódena · Barcelona · SPAIN
+34 93 806 86 61 ·

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